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Zebra DS2278-SR7U2100PRW Refurbished

0 ден.
  • Производител: Zebra
  • Шифра:DS2278-SR7U2100PRW
  • Достапност:На залиха

Zebra DS2278 REFURBISHED - Cordless Barcode scanner, Zebra DS2278, 2D Imager, General Purpose, USB, Handheld. Kit includes: DS2278-SR00007ZZWW Scanner, CBA-U21-S07ZBR Shielded USB Cable, CR2278-PC10004WW Cradle, Black
At a low cost, it gives more control by manual scanning, thus adding to the effectiveness and profitability
Increases productivity by giving the opportunity to wander, without the tangle of cables
Rapidly incorporate 1D and 2D barcode information to records, spreadsheets, and databases

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